Dynamical System - Interest - Xholon App

What is it

This model implements a dynamical system, a savings account with interest. The same model has been previously implemented using Simulink and Vensim, and it demonstrates how to model dynamical systems using Xholon.

How to use it

Run it:

  1. Run the Java application through the Xhn GUI (org.primordion.xholon.app.Xhn.java), and select File --> Open --> dynsys --> Interest --> Interest_xhn.xml.
  2. Expand the Controller node in the tree.
  3. Press the Start node.
  4. If you have JFreeChart installed you should see a chart like the one below showing the Savings Account Balance series over time.

Dynamical System - Interest

Things to try

You can edit the number of years of compound interest in Interest_xhn.xml (param name="MaxProcessLoops" value="10"/>)

Change the interest rate or the starting balance in CompositeStructureHierarchy.

Xholon features

Interest is modelled as an active xholon, which acts upon the savings balance, a passive xholon.

Credits and references

source of the model: Sandefur, J. (1990). Discrete Dynamical Systems. Oxford University Press. (p. 4)