Ken Webb 2010-03-23T13:05:53Z
The 2006 book Evolutionary Dynamics - Exploring the equations of life by Martin Nowak includes numerous detailed examples. It was straight forward to implement the basic models in the Spatial Games chapter using Xholon. The following results from the Xholon implementation roughly match the images included in the book (page 150-151).
b = 1.10
b = 1.15
b = 1.24
b = 1.35
b = 1.55
b = 1.65
b = 1.70
Also in chapter 9, the book goes on to describe what happens if there is just a single defector rather than a random assortment of cooperators and defectors. The t=30 image matches exactly the image on page 158 of the book.
b = 1.65, single defector, t = 30
b = 1.65, single defector, t = 2402
The Xholon GUI, which is used to control the simulation and view the state of the objects in the grid, is shown below for the single defector t=2402 run.