Environments for Learning Java
Ken Webb 2010-08-06T10:42:51Z
Special environments can help students to learn Java and the fundamentals of an object oriented approach. Sun/Oracle collaborates with some of these projects.
- BlueJ is "an easy-to-use teaching environment for the Java language that facilitates the teaching of Java to first year students. Special emphasis has been placed on visualisation and interaction techniques to create a highly interactive environment that encourages experimentation and exploration".
- Greenfoot is "a combination between a framework for creating two-dimensional grid assignments in Java and an integrated development environment (class browser, editor, compiler, execution, etc.) suitable for novice programmers".
- Alice is "an innovative 3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web. Alice is a teaching tool for introductory computing. It uses 3D graphics and a drag-and-drop interface to facilitate a more engaging, less frustrating first programming experience".
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