Xholon Operads - little 2-cubes operad E₂

Figure 2 in the paper Matriarch: A Python Library for Materials Architecture by Tristan Giesa, Ravi Jagadeesan, David I. Spivak, and Markus J. Buehler describes a simple operad called the little 2-cubes operad E₂. As part of my attempts to learn about category theory and operadics, I am trying to replicate this operad using Xholon and eTrice, both based on the ROOM formalism. This web page is very terse, and I will try to gradually add more descriptive details.

Figure 2. Architecture of rectangle arrangements. Equivalent to an early
example of an operad from mathematics called the little 2-cubes operad
E2. In the terminology of this paper, the only building blocks in E2 are
rectangles. A building instruction in E2 is an arrangement of nonoverlapping
rectangles within a larger rectangle. In the composition, the placements and
aspect ratios of building blocks are retained, but sizes can change. The
operad E2 is the mathematical description of rectangle configurations as
they are nested into hierarchies of arbitrary depth. The operad underlying
Matriarch is far more complex than E2, with more diverse building blocks
and building instructions.

Using eTrice, I can partially represent this operad using the following ROOM model.

RoomModel TemplateModel {

  import room.basic.types.* from "../../org.eclipse.etrice.modellib.java/model/Types.room"
  import room.basic.service.timing.* from "../../org.eclipse.etrice.modellib.java/model/TimingService.room"

  LogicalSystem LogSys {
    SubSystemRef subSystemRef: SubSysClass

  SubSystemClass SubSysClass {
    ActorRef topActor: TopActor
    ActorRef timingService: ATimingService
    LayerConnection ref topActor satisfied_by timingService.timer
    LogicalThread defaultThread

  // - build your application from here
  ActorClass TopActor {
    Structure {
      ActorRef bi: BuildingInstruction
  ActorClass BuildingInstruction {
    Structure {
      ActorRef psi1: Psi1
      ActorRef psi2: Psi2
      ActorRef psi3: Psi3
      ActorRef psi4: Psi4
  ActorClass BuildingBlock {
    Structure { }
  // concrete Building Blocks
  ActorClass Psi1 extends BuildingBlock {
    Structure {
      ActorRef r1: Rectangle
  ActorClass Psi2 extends BuildingBlock {
    Structure {
      ActorRef r1: Rectangle
      ActorRef r2: Rectangle
  ActorClass Psi3 extends BuildingBlock {
    Structure {
      ActorRef r1: Rectangle
      ActorRef r2: Rectangle
  ActorClass Psi4 extends BuildingBlock {
    Structure {
      ActorRef r1: Rectangle
      ActorRef r2: Rectangle
  ActorClass Rectangle {
    Structure { }
    Behavior {
      StateMachine {
        Transition init: initial -> ready {
          action {
            "System.out.println(\"rectangle \" + getInstancePath());"
        State ready


eTrice can display the ActorClasses as editable structure diagrams.

Structure of BuildingInstruction
Structure of Psi1
Structure of Psi2

eTrice can compile and run the model. Note the structure and behavior diagrams and the generated Java classes to the left, the model outline to the right, and the text output at the bottom. The text output is written by the line of Java code in the Rectangle Behavior "System.out.println(\"rectangle \" + getInstancePath());"

Links to my exploratory Xholon operad-like models. There's no guarantee yet that these are actually operads. (TODO add descriptions)







TODO Write another Xholon model using PixiJS a "HTML5 2D rendering engine that uses webGL with canvas fallback", which will allow me to show the actual "placements and aspect ratios of building blocks".


Xholon GWT is a Xholon project. Copyright (C) 2017 Ken Webb
