Uses of Interface

Packages that use IXholon   

Uses of IXholon in

Classes in that implement IXholon
          GPNode is a GPNodeParent which is the abstract superclass of all GP function nodes in trees.

Uses of IXholon in

Classes in that implement IXholon
 class AppCell
          Cell Model.
 class AppCellAutop
          Cell Model with Autopoiesis.
 class AppLife
 class AppSbml
          SBML Application.
 class XhAbstractSbml
          SBML Application.
 class XhCell
          An instance of XhCell represents some biological entity, and exists as a node in a composite structure hierarchy tree.
 class XhCellAutop
          An instance of XhCellAutop represents some biological entity, and exists as a node in a composite structure hierarchy tree.
 class XhLife
          An instance of XhLife represents some biological entity, and exists as a node in a composite structure hierarchy tree.

Uses of IXholon in

Classes in that implement IXholon
 class XhBrusselator
 class XhCellModel
 class XhCircadianClock
 class XhDimericMWCstiff

Example of very stiff biochemical model

 class XhGlycolysis
          This model has the same values as RRT model.
 class XhGlycolysis_Test
 class XhGlycolysisTESTXML
          This model has the same values as RRT model.
 class XhGlycolysisTESTXML2
 class XhGlyHunThouBilayer
 class XhGlyHunThouInhibit
 class XhGlyMillion
 class XhGlyTenThou
 class XhYeastGlyPritchardKel

Uses of IXholon in org.primordion.cellontro.base

Subinterfaces of IXholon in org.primordion.cellontro.base
 interface IBioXholon
          An instance of IBioXholon represents some biological entity, and exists as a node in a composite structure hierarchy tree.
 interface IBioXholonClass

Classes in org.primordion.cellontro.base that implement IXholon
 class BioXholonClass
          BioXholonClass is an application specific extension of XholonClass.

Uses of IXholon in

Methods in with parameters of type IXholon
 boolean Cellontro2Sbml.initialize(java.lang.String sbmlFileName, java.lang.String modelName, IXholon root)

Constructors in with parameters of type IXholon
Cellontro2Sbml(java.lang.String sbmlFileName, java.lang.String modelName, IXholon root)

Uses of IXholon in

Classes in that implement IXholon
 class AppAdapSysLab
          Continuous-Time Recurrent Neural Network (CTRNN).
 class AppCtrnn
          Continuous-Time Recurrent Neural Network (CTRNN).
 class XhAdapSysLab
          Continuous-Time Recurrent Neural Network (CTRNN).

Uses of IXholon in org.primordion.ctrnn.base

Subinterfaces of IXholon in org.primordion.ctrnn.base
 interface ICtrnn
          Continuous-Time Recurrent Neural Network (CTRNN).

Classes in org.primordion.ctrnn.base that implement IXholon
 class XhAbstractCtrnn
          Continuous-Time Recurrent Neural Network (CTRNN).

Uses of IXholon in

Classes in that implement IXholon
 class AppFibonacci
          Dynamical Systems - Fibonacci.
 class AppGravity1
          Dynamical Systems - Gravity1.
 class AppInterest
          Dynamical Systems - Interest.
 class AppTrain
          Dynamical Systems - Train.
 class XhFibonacci
          Dynamical Systems - Fibonacci.
 class XhGravity1
          Dynamical Systems - Gravity1.
 class XhInterest
          Dynamical Systems - Interest.
 class XhTrain
          Dynamical Systems - Train.

Uses of IXholon in

Classes in that implement IXholon
 class AppAntForaging
          Ant System with Genetic Programming.
 class AppAntTrail
          Ant Trail.
 class AppCartCentering
          Cart Centering System with Genetic Programming.
 class AppEcj
          ECJ Application superclass.
 class AppEcjAntTrail
          ECJ Ant Trail.
 class AppEcjTutorial4
          ECJ Tutorial 4.
 class AppTutorial4
          ECJ Tutorial 4.
 class XhAntForaging
          Ant Foraging System WITHOUT Genetic Programming.
 class XhAntTrail
          ECJ Ant Trail.
 class XhCartCentering
          Cart Centering System with Genetic Programming.
 class XhEcjAntTrail
          ECJ Ant.
 class XhEcjTutorial4
          ECJ Tutorial 4.
 class XhTutorial4
          ECJ Tutorial 4.

Methods in with parameters of type IXholon
 double XhTutorial4.performDoubleActivity(IXholon activity)
 double XhCartCentering.performDoubleActivity(IXholon activity)
 void XhAntTrail.performVoidActivity(IXholon activity)
 boolean XhAntForaging.performBooleanActivity(IXholon activity)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelAntTrail.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelAntForaging.getColor(IXholon xhNode)

Constructors in with parameters of type IXholon
GridPanelAntTrail(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelAntForaging(IXholon gridOwner)

Uses of IXholon in

Classes in that implement IXholon
 class AppEcjAntForaging
          ECJ Ant Foraging.
 class DropPheromone
 class IfCarryingFood
 class IfFoodHere
 class MoveRandom
 class MoveToAdjacentFoodElse
 class MoveToAdjacentPheromoneElse
 class MoveToNest
 class PickUp
 class XhEcjAntForaging
          Ant Foraging System WITH Genetic Programming.

Fields in declared as IXholon
static IXholon XhEcjAntForaging.next_behavior

Methods in that return IXholon
 IXholon AppEcjAntForaging.getRoot()

Uses of IXholon in

Classes in that implement IXholon
 class ABS
 class Add
 class AppEcjCartCentering
          ECJ Cart Centering.
 class Divide
 class GT
 class Multiply
 class Subtract
 class Velocity
 class XhEcjCartCentering
          ECJ Cart Centering.
 class XPosition

Uses of IXholon in

Methods in with parameters of type IXholon
static void XhSimpleEvolutionState.setRoot(IXholon root)
          Set the IXholon root node.

Uses of IXholon in

Classes in that implement IXholon
 class AppBraneCalc
          Brane Calculus.
 class AppBraneCalc1
          Brane Calculus.
 class AppCoopPSys00ex0
          Membrane Computing.
 class AppCoopSys02ex32_1
          Membrane Computing.
 class AppCoopSys02ex343_1
          Membrane Computing.
 class AppCoopSys02ex343_2
          Membrane Computing.
 class AppFsm06ex1
          Membrane Computing.
 class AppMemComp
          Membrane Computing.
 class AppSymAnti02ex41
          Membrane Computing.
 class XhBraneCalc1
          Membrane Computing.
 class XhCoopPSys00ex0
          Membrane Computing.
 class XhCoopSys02ex32_1
          Membrane Computing.
 class XhCoopSys02ex343_1
          Membrane Computing.
 class XhCoopSys02ex343_2
          Membrane Computing.
 class XhFsm06ex1
          Membrane Computing.
 class XhSymAnti02ex41
          Membrane Computing.

Uses of IXholon in org.primordion.memcomp.base

Subinterfaces of IXholon in org.primordion.memcomp.base
 interface IMembraneComputing
          Membrane Computing.

Classes in org.primordion.memcomp.base that implement IXholon
 class XhAbstractBraneCalc
          Brane Calculus.
 class XhAbstractMemComp
          Membrane Computing.

Methods in org.primordion.memcomp.base with parameters of type IXholon
 void XhAbstractBraneCalc.phago(IXholon membraneP, IXholon membraneQ, IXholon patchS)
          Phago - Phagocytosis
 void XhAbstractBraneCalc.exo(IXholon membraneP, IXholon membraneQ)
          Exo - Exocytosis
 void XhAbstractBraneCalc.pino(IXholon membraneP, IXholon patchS)
          Pino - Pinocytosis.
 void XhAbstractBraneCalc.mate(IXholon membraneP, IXholon membraneQ, IXholon patchS)
          Mate - Merge two membranes.
 void XhAbstractBraneCalc.bud(IXholon membraneP, IXholon membraneQ, IXholon patchS)
          Bud - Split off an inner membrane.
 void XhAbstractBraneCalc.drip(IXholon membraneP, IXholon patchS)
          Drip - Split off zero inner membranes.

Uses of IXholon in

Classes in that implement IXholon
 class AppBrenda
          Brenda application - Xholon Java
 class AppTurtleExample1
          TurtleExample1 application - Xholon Java
 class TurtleExample1
 class XhBrenda
          Brenda application - Xholon Java
 class XhTurtleExample1
          TurtleExample1 application - Xholon Java

Methods in with parameters of type IXholon
 java.awt.Color GridPanelTurtleExample1.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelBrenda.getColor(IXholon xhNode)

Constructors in with parameters of type IXholon
GridPanelTurtleExample1(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelBrenda(IXholon gridOwner)

Uses of IXholon in

Classes in that implement IXholon
 class Address
          Extended Purchase Order example.
 class AppEpo2
          Extended Purchase Order example.
 class Customer
          Extended Purchase Order example.
 class GlobalAddress
          Extended Purchase Order example.
 class Item
          Extended Purchase Order example.
 class PurchaseOrder
          Extended Purchase Order example.
 class USAddress
          Extended Purchase Order example.
 class XhEpo2
          Extended Purchase Order example.

Uses of IXholon in

Classes in that implement IXholon
 class AppWolfSheepGrass
          Wolf Sheep Grass.
 class Grass
          Wolf Sheep Grass.
 class WolfSheep
          Wolf Sheep Grass.
 class XhWolfSheepGrass
          Wolf Sheep Grass.

Methods in with parameters of type IXholon
 java.awt.Color GridPanelWolfSheepGrass.getColor(IXholon xhNode)

Constructors in with parameters of type IXholon
GridPanelWolfSheepGrass(IXholon gridOwner)

Uses of IXholon in

Subinterfaces of IXholon in
 interface IApplication
          Every Xholon application proceeds through three phases, which are declared in this interface: (1) initialize, (2) process, (3) wrapup.

Classes in that implement IXholon
 class Application
          This is an abstract class from which all Xholon applications should subclass.

Fields in declared as IXholon
 IXholon Application.GridViewerDetails.gridOwner

Methods in that return IXholon
 IXholon IApplication.getRoot()
          Get the model root.
 IXholon Application.getRoot()

Methods in with parameters of type IXholon
 IViewer IApplication.invokeGraphicalTreeViewer(IXholon xhStart, java.lang.String graphicalNetworkViewerParams)
          Invoke the graphical tree viewer.
 IViewer IApplication.invokeGraphicalNetworkViewer(IXholon xhStart, java.lang.String graphicalNetworkViewerParams)
          Invoke the graphical network viewer.
static IApplication Application.getApplication(IXholon xhNode)
          Get the instance of Application that the Xholon node is part of.
 IViewer Application.invokeGraphicalTreeViewer(IXholon xhStart, java.lang.String graphicalNetworkViewerParams)
 IViewer Application.invokeGraphicalNetworkViewer(IXholon xhStart, java.lang.String graphicalNetworkViewerParams)

Uses of IXholon in org.primordion.xholon.base

Subinterfaces of IXholon in org.primordion.xholon.base
 interface IAttribute
 interface IContainmentHierarchy
          A ContainmentHierarchy represents a hierarchy (tree) of Xholon nodes contained within other Xholon nodes.
 interface IInheritanceHierarchy
          An InheritanceHierarchy represents a hierarchy (tree) of XholonClass nodes that inherit from other XholonClass nodes.
 interface IInteraction
          UML 2.0 Interaction.
 interface IMessage
          ROOM/UML2 message.
 interface IObservable
          An Observable is a Xholon that is observed by another Xholon.
 interface IPatch
          A patch is an agent in the turtle mechanism.
 interface IPort
          IPort defines the abstract services that ports provide.
 interface IQueue
          This is a generic Queue data structure that can be used to store references to any type of data.
 interface IStateMachineEntity
          A state machine entity is any XholonClass that has to do with state machines.
 interface ITreeNodeFactory
          A tree node factory creates and manages Xholon tree nodes.
 interface ITurtle
          A turtle is an agent in the turtle mechanism.
 interface IXholonClass
          A XholonClass is a concrete subclass of TreeNode.

Classes in org.primordion.xholon.base that implement IXholon
 class AbstractGrid
          AbstractGrid is an abstract class that your detailed behavior class (ex: XhGameOfLife) should extend if it contains a grid superimposed on some portion of the tree.
 class Activity
          An activity is a type of behavior.
 class Attribute
          An Attribute is a passive object.
static class Attribute.Attribute_boolean
static class Attribute.Attribute_byte
static class Attribute.Attribute_char
static class Attribute.Attribute_double
static class Attribute.Attribute_float
static class Attribute.Attribute_int
static class Attribute.Attribute_long
static class Attribute.Attribute_Object
static class Attribute.Attribute_short
static class Attribute.Attribute_String
 class ContainmentHierarchy
          A ContainmentHierarchy represents a hierarchy (tree) of Xholon nodes contained within other Xholon nodes.
 class Control
          Control for a Xholon application.
 class GridEntity
          GridEntity is a general instantiable subclass of AbstractGrid.
 class InheritanceHierarchy
          An InheritanceHierarchy represents a hierarchy (tree) of XholonClass nodes that inherit from other XholonClass nodes.
 class Interaction
          UML 2.0 Interaction.
 class Message
          ROOM/UML2 message.
 class ObservableStateMachineEntity
          Observable StateMachineEntity.
 class ObservableXholonWithPorts
          Observable Xholon with ports.
 class Patch
          A patch is an agent in the turtle mechanism.
 class PatchOwner
          PatchOwner owns a collection of Logo Patches.
 class Port
          Port is one type of concrete "port" in a xholon application.
 class PortXhym
          A Port Xhym interacts with an individual port, and with its XhymAgent.
 class Queue
          This is a generic Queue data structure that can be used to store references to any type of data.
 class StateMachineEntity
          A state machine entity is any XholonClass that has to do with state machines.
 class StateMachineXhym
          A State Machine Xhym interacts with an individual xholon StateMachineEntity, and with its XhymAgent.
 class TreeNodeFactoryDynamic
          TreeNodeFactoryDynamic manages concrete instances of TreeNode subclasses.
 class TreeNodeFactoryStatic
          TreeNodeFactoryStatic manages concrete instances of TreeNode subclasses.
 class Turtle
          A turtle is an agent in the turtle mechanism.
 class Xholon
          Xholon is an abstract class that implements a lot of the functionality defined in the IXholon interface.
 class XholonClass
          A XholonClass is a concrete subclass of Xholon.
 class XholonTime
          Handle time in a Xholon application.
 class XholonWithPorts
          A Xholon with ports, so it can set up lateral connections with peers.
 class XholonXhym
          A Xholon Xhym interacts with an individual xholon, and with its XhymAgent.
 class XhymAgent
          A Xhym Agent exchanges information between local Xhym entities and some process that lives outside of Xholon.

Fields in org.primordion.xholon.base declared as IXholon
 IXholon[] XholonXhym.port
 IXholon[] XholonWithPorts.port
static IXholon XholonTime.xhtXholonTime
 IXholon[] PortXhym.port
 IXholon[] Port.replication
          Replications of this port.

Methods in org.primordion.xholon.base that return IXholon
 IXholon XPath.evaluate(java.lang.String expression, IXholon item)
 IXholon XholonXhym.getPort(int portNum)
 IXholon XholonWithPorts.getPort(int portNum)
 IXholon Xholon.getParentNode()
 IXholon Xholon.getFirstChild()
 IXholon Xholon.getNextSibling()
 IXholon Xholon.getPreviousSibling()
 IXholon Xholon.getRootNode()
 IXholon Xholon.getNthChild(int n, boolean deep)
 IXholon Xholon.getLastChild()
 IXholon Xholon.getLastSibling()
 IXholon Xholon.getFirstSibling()
 IXholon Xholon.getNthSibling(int n)
 IXholon Xholon.getPort(int portNum)
 IXholon Xholon.appendChild(java.lang.String xhClassName, java.lang.String roleName)
 IXholon Xholon.appendChild(java.lang.String xhClassName, java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String implName)
 IXholon Turtle.lineBresenham(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int colr)
          Draw a line using the Bresenham algorithm.
 IXholon TreeNodeFactoryStatic.getNode(java.lang.Class xholonSubclass)
 IXholon TreeNodeFactoryStatic.getNode(int xhType)
 IXholon TreeNodeFactoryStatic.getXholonNode()
 IXholon TreeNodeFactoryStatic.getXholonNode(java.lang.String implName)
 IXholon TreeNodeFactoryDynamic.getNode(java.lang.Class xholonSubclass)
 IXholon TreeNodeFactoryDynamic.getNode(int xhType)
 IXholon TreeNodeFactoryDynamic.getXholonNode()
 IXholon TreeNodeFactoryDynamic.getXholonNode(java.lang.String implName)
 IXholon StateMachineEntity.getOwningXholon()
 IXholon StateMachineEntity.getPort(int cnptNum)
 IXholon PortXhym.getPort(int portNum)
 IXholon Port.getLink(int index)
 IXholon Port.getPort(int portNum)
 IXholon Message.getReceiver()
 IXholon Message.getSender()
 IXholon IXPath.evaluate(java.lang.String expression, IXholon item)
          Evaluate an XPath expression in the specified context and return the result as a IXholon.
 IXholon IXholon.getParentNode()
          Get parent of this node.
 IXholon IXholon.getFirstChild()
          Get first (leftmost) child of this node.
 IXholon IXholon.getNextSibling()
          Get next (right) sibling of this node.
 IXholon IXholon.getPreviousSibling()
          Get previous (left) sibling of this node.
 IXholon IXholon.getRootNode()
          Get root of the tree that this node is a part of.
 IXholon IXholon.getNthChild(int n, boolean deep)
          Get the nth child of this node, where 0 <= n < number of children.
 IXholon IXholon.getLastChild()
          Get last (rightmost) child.
 IXholon IXholon.getLastSibling()
          Get last (rightmost) sibling.
 IXholon IXholon.getFirstSibling()
          Get first (leftmost) sibling.
 IXholon IXholon.getNthSibling(int n)
          Get nth sibling.
 IXholon IXholon.getPort(int portNum)
          Get the port that corresponds to this index (0 indexed).
 IXholon IXholon.appendChild(java.lang.String xhClassName, java.lang.String roleName)
          Create a new child, and append it as the last child of this node.
 IXholon IXholon.appendChild(java.lang.String xhClassName, java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String implName)
          Create a new child, and append it as the last child of this node.
 IXholon ITreeNodeFactory.getNode(java.lang.Class xholonSubclass)
          Get a node instance of the specified Java class.
 IXholon ITreeNodeFactory.getNode(int xhType)
          Get a node instance of the specified Xholon Type.
 IXholon ITreeNodeFactory.getXholonNode()
          Get a Xholon instance from the factory.
 IXholon ITreeNodeFactory.getXholonNode(java.lang.String implName)
          Get a Xholon instance from the factory, based on its full package name.
 IXholon IStateMachineEntity.getOwningXholon()
          Return the Xholon that owns the state machine that this IStateMachineEntity is a part of.
 IXholon IPort.getLink(int index)
          Get the link from a local port replication to a remote port or xholon.
 IXholon IMessage.getReceiver()
          Get the intended receiver of the message.
 IXholon IMessage.getSender()
          Get the sender of the message.
 IXholon IContainmentHierarchy.getTheRootNode()
          Get the root node of the containment (composite structure) hierarchy.
 IXholon ContainmentHierarchy.getTheRootNode()

Methods in org.primordion.xholon.base with parameters of type IXholon
 IXholon XPath.evaluate(java.lang.String expression, IXholon item)
 java.util.Vector XPath.searchForClosestNeighbors(int distance, int include, java.lang.String excludeBecName, java.lang.String xhcName, int maxQuantity, boolean matchSuperClasses, IXholon xhNode)
          Search for closest neighbors whose XholonClass names are xhcName.
 void XhymAgent.sendMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender)
 void XholonXhym.sendMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender)
          This is the Xholon equivalent of update(Observable o, Object arg) in Java.util.Observer, where: signal is ISignal.SIGNAL_UPDATE, and represents the update() function itself.
 boolean XholonWithPorts.isBound(IXholon port)
 XholonTimerTask XholonTime.timeoutRelative(IXholon clientNode, long delay)
 XholonTimerTask XholonTime.timeoutRelative(IXholon clientNode, java.lang.Object data, long delay)
 XholonTimerTask XholonTime.timeoutRepeat(IXholon clientNode, long delay, long period)
 XholonTimerTask XholonTime.timeoutRepeat(IXholon clientNode, java.lang.Object data, long delay, long period)
 XholonTimerTask XholonTime.timeoutAbsolute(IXholon clientNode, java.util.Date time)
 void Xholon.setParentNode(IXholon treeNode)
 void Xholon.setFirstChild(IXholon treeNode)
 void Xholon.setNextSibling(IXholon treeNode)
 void Xholon.setParentChildLinks(IXholon parent)
 void Xholon.setParentSiblingLinks(IXholon previousSibling)
 void Xholon.insertAfter(IXholon newLeftSibling)
 void Xholon.insertBefore(IXholon newNextSibling)
 void Xholon.insertFirstChild(IXholon newParentNode)
 void Xholon.appendChild(IXholon newParentNode)
 void Xholon.swapNode(IXholon otherNode)
 void Xholon.sendMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender)
 void Xholon.sendMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender, int index)
 void Xholon.performVoidActivity(IXholon activity)
 double Xholon.performDoubleActivity(IXholon activity)
 boolean Xholon.performBooleanActivity(IXholon activity)
 boolean Xholon.isBound(IXholon port)
 double Turtle.distance(IXholon turtleOrPatch)
 void Turtle.face(IXholon turtleOrPatch)
 double Turtle.towards(IXholon turtleOrPatch)
 void TreeNodeFactoryStatic.returnTreeNode(IXholon node)
 void TreeNodeFactoryDynamic.returnTreeNode(IXholon node)
 void StateMachineXhym.postConfigure(IXholon observedXholon, IGraphicalNetworkViewer graphicalNetworkViewer)
          testing (used by XholonGui with TestFsmKW)
 void StateMachineXhym.sendMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender)
          This is the Xholon equivalent of update(Observable o, Object arg) in Java.util.Observer, where: signal is ISignal.SIGNAL_UPDATE, and represents the update() function itself.
 java.lang.Object[][] ReflectionJavaStandard.getAttributes(IXholon node)
 java.lang.String ReflectionJavaStandard.getAttributeStringVal(IXholon xhNode, java.lang.String attrName)
 int ReflectionJavaStandard.getAttributeIntVal(IXholon xhNode, java.lang.String attrName)
 int ReflectionJavaStandard.setAttributeVal(IXholon tNode, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String val, int valIx)
 boolean ReflectionJavaStandard.setAttributeBooleanVal(IXholon tNode, java.lang.String attrName, boolean val)
 int ReflectionJavaStandard.setAttributeArrayVal(IXholon tNode, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String val, int valIx, int arraySubscript)
 java.lang.Object[][] ReflectionJavaMicro.getAttributes(IXholon node)
 java.lang.String ReflectionJavaMicro.getAttributeStringVal(IXholon xhNode, java.lang.String attrName)
 int ReflectionJavaMicro.getAttributeIntVal(IXholon xhNode, java.lang.String attrName)
 int ReflectionJavaMicro.setAttributeVal(IXholon tNode, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String val, int valIx)
 boolean ReflectionJavaMicro.setAttributeBooleanVal(IXholon tNode, java.lang.String attrName, boolean val)
 int ReflectionJavaMicro.setAttributeArrayVal(IXholon tNode, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String val, int valIx, int arraySubscript)
 void Queue.sendMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender)
 void PortXhym.sendMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender)
          This is the Xholon equivalent of update(Observable o, Object arg) in Java.util.Observer, where: signal is ISignal.SIGNAL_UPDATE, and represents the update() function itself.
static IPort Port.createPort(IXholon portOwner, int multiplicity, int[] provIfSigs, java.lang.String[] provIfNames, int[] reqIfSigs, java.lang.String[] reqIfNames, boolean isConjugated)
          Create an instance of the Port class.
 boolean Port.setLink(int index, IXholon context, java.lang.String xpathExprTemplate, int xholonIx, int portIx, int replicationIx)
 boolean Port.setLink(int index, IXholon context, java.lang.String xpathExpressionIn)
 boolean Port.isBound(IXholon port)
 void Port.sendMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender)
 void Port.sendMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender, int index)
 IAttribute PatchOwner.getAggregator(IXholon turtleOrPatch)
          Return the aggregator for the specified turtle or patch.
 double Patch.distance(IXholon turtleOrPatch)
 double Patch.towards(IXholon turtleOrPatch)
 void ObservableXholonWithPorts.addObserver(IXholon o)
 void ObservableXholonWithPorts.deleteObserver(IXholon o)
 void ObservableStateMachineEntity.addObserver(IXholon o)
 void ObservableStateMachineEntity.deleteObserver(IXholon o)
 void Message.setReceiver(IXholon receiver)
 void Message.setSender(IXholon sender)
 IXholon IXPath.evaluate(java.lang.String expression, IXholon item)
          Evaluate an XPath expression in the specified context and return the result as a IXholon.
 java.util.Vector IXPath.searchForClosestNeighbors(int distance, int include, java.lang.String excludeXhcName, java.lang.String xhcName, int maxQuantity, boolean matchSuperClasses, IXholon xhNode)
          Search for closest neighbors whose XholonClass names are xhcName.
 XholonTimerTask IXholonTime.timeoutRelative(IXholon clientNode, long delay)
          Timeout after a specified number of milliseconds, relative to the current time.
 XholonTimerTask IXholonTime.timeoutRelative(IXholon clientNode, java.lang.Object data, long delay)
          Timeout after a specified number of milliseconds, relative to the current time.
 XholonTimerTask IXholonTime.timeoutRepeat(IXholon clientNode, long delay, long period)
          Timeout repeatedly every so many milliseconds.
 XholonTimerTask IXholonTime.timeoutRepeat(IXholon clientNode, java.lang.Object data, long delay, long period)
          Timeout repeatedly every so many milliseconds.
 XholonTimerTask IXholonTime.timeoutAbsolute(IXholon clientNode, java.util.Date time)
          Timeout at a specified absolute time in the future.
 void IXholon.setParentNode(IXholon treeNode)
          Set parent of this node.
 void IXholon.setFirstChild(IXholon treeNode)
          Set first (leftmost) child of this node.
 void IXholon.setNextSibling(IXholon treeNode)
          Set next (right) sibling of this node.
 void IXholon.setParentChildLinks(IXholon parent)
          Set parent child links.
 void IXholon.setParentSiblingLinks(IXholon previousSibling)
          Set parent sibling links.
 void IXholon.insertAfter(IXholon newPreviousSibling)
          Insert this node after its new previous sibling node.
 void IXholon.insertBefore(IXholon newNextSibling)
          Insert this node before its new next sibling node.
 void IXholon.insertFirstChild(IXholon newParentNode)
          Insert this node as the first child of its new parent node.
 void IXholon.appendChild(IXholon newParentNode)
          Append this node as the last child of its new parent node.
 void IXholon.swapNode(IXholon otherNode)
          Swap this node with otherNode.
 boolean IXholon.isBound(IXholon port)
          Is this port bound to anything? If a port is bound, then it will be possible for the local IXholon to send a message to, or get/set a val on, a remote IXholon.
 void IXholon.sendMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender)
          Send a ROOM/UML2 message to a receiving Xholon instance.
 void IXholon.sendMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender, int index)
          Send a ROOM/UML2 message to a receiving Xholon instance.
 void IXholon.performVoidActivity(IXholon activity)
          Perform an activity including the entire activity subtree.
 double IXholon.performDoubleActivity(IXholon activity)
          Perform an activity including the entire activity subtree.
 boolean IXholon.performBooleanActivity(IXholon activity)
          Perform an activity including the entire activity subtree.
 double ITurtle.distance(IXholon turtleOrPatch)
          Return the distance between self and the specified turtle or patch.
 void ITurtle.face(IXholon turtleOrPatch)
          Turn to face the specified turtle or patch.
 double ITurtle.towards(IXholon turtleOrPatch)
          Return the heading between self and the specified turtle or patch.
 void ITreeNodeFactory.returnTreeNode(IXholon node)
          Return a TreeNode to the factory.
 java.lang.Object[][] IReflection.getAttributes(IXholon node)
          Get all attributes that are accessible using a method that starts with "get".
 java.lang.String IReflection.getAttributeStringVal(IXholon xhNode, java.lang.String attrName)
          XPath uses this to get the current value of a String attribute.
 int IReflection.getAttributeIntVal(IXholon xhNode, java.lang.String attrName)
          Get the current value of an int attribute.
 int IReflection.setAttributeVal(IXholon tNode, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String val, int valIx)
          Set the value of a named attribute.
 boolean IReflection.setAttributeBooleanVal(IXholon tNode, java.lang.String attrName, boolean val)
          Set the value of a boolean attribute.
 int IReflection.setAttributeArrayVal(IXholon tNode, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String val, int valIx, int arraySubscript)
          Set the value of one slot in a named array attribute.
 boolean IPort.setLink(int index, IXholon context, java.lang.String xpathExprTemplate, int xholonIx, int portIx, int replicationIx)
          Set the link from a local port replication to a remote port or xholon.
 boolean IPort.setLink(int index, IXholon context, java.lang.String xpathExpression)
          Set the link from a local port replication to a remote port or xholon.
 void IPort.sendMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender, int index)
          Send a ROOM/UML2 message through a local instance of a replicated port to a remote replicated port instance or directly to a remote xholon, or from a remote port replication to its owning xholon.
 double IPatch.distance(IXholon turtleOrPatch)
          Return the distance between self and the specified turtle or patch.
 double IPatch.towards(IXholon turtleOrPatch)
          Return the heading between self and the specified turtle or patch.
 void IObservable.addObserver(IXholon o)
          Adds an observer to the set of observers for this object.
 void IObservable.deleteObserver(IXholon o)
          Deletes an observer from the set of observers of this object.
 void Interaction.addMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender, IXholon receiver, int index)
 void IMessage.setReceiver(IXholon receiver)
          Set the intended receiver of the message.
 void IMessage.setSender(IXholon sender)
          Set which Xholon instance sent the message.
 void IInteraction.addMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender, IXholon receiver, int index)
          Add a message to the interaction.
 void IGrid.moveXholonsToGrid(IXholon xhParent, boolean allowMultiple)
          Move a set of xholons randomly into a grid structure.
static void Control.setModel(XholonClass ih, IXholon csh)
          Set the model.
 Activity Activity.clone(IXholon parent)
          Clone this instance of Activity, with cloned children as well.
 void AbstractGrid.moveXholonsToGrid(IXholon xhParent, boolean allowMultiple)

Constructors in org.primordion.xholon.base with parameters of type IXholon
Message(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender, IXholon receiver)
Message(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender, IXholon receiver, int index)

Uses of IXholon in

Methods in that return IXholon
 IXholon XholonGui.getXhRoot()
          Get root of the xholon tree.
 IXholon IGridPanel.getGridOwner()
          Get grid owner.
 IXholon GridPanel.getGridOwner()

Methods in with parameters of type IXholon
 void XholonGui.showTree(IXholon node)
          Show the entire IXholon tree as a JTree.
 boolean Xholon2Smc.initialize(java.lang.String smcFileName, java.lang.String modelName, IXholon root)
 boolean Xholon2Scxml.initialize(java.lang.String scxmlFileName, java.lang.String modelName, IXholon root)
 boolean Xholon2Qep.initialize(java.lang.String qepFileName, java.lang.String modelName, IXholon root)
 void TreeViewerJung.createGraph(IXholon xhRoot, java.lang.String title, boolean showNodeLabels)
 void SnapshotYAML.saveSnapshot(IXholon snRoot, java.lang.String modelName)
          Save a timestamped snapshot to an XML file.
 void SnapshotXML.saveSnapshot(IXholon snRoot, java.lang.String modelName)
 boolean IXholon2Smc.initialize(java.lang.String smcFileName, java.lang.String modelName, IXholon root)
 boolean IXholon2Scxml.initialize(java.lang.String scxmlFileName, java.lang.String modelName, IXholon root)
 boolean IXholon2Qep.initialize(java.lang.String qepFileName, java.lang.String modelName, IXholon root)
 void ISnapshot.saveSnapshot(IXholon snRoot, java.lang.String modelName)
          Save a timestamped snapshot to an XML file.
 void IHistogramViewer.initialize(IXholon histRootModel, IXholon histRootView, IXholonClass xhClass, int numBins, int nameConcatLevels)
          Initialize the histogram viewer.
 void IGridPanel.initGridPanel(IXholon gridOwner)
          Initialize the GridPanel.
 java.awt.Color IGridPanel.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
          Get the color that this xholon should currently be displayed as.
 int IGridPanel.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
          Get the shape that should be used to represent this xholon.
 void IGraphicalTreeViewer.createGraph(IXholon xhRoot, java.lang.String title, boolean showNodeLabels)
          Create a graph using a tree layout.
 void IGraphicalNetworkViewer.createGraph(IXholon xhRoot, java.lang.String title, boolean showNodeLabels)
          Create a graph using a tree layout.
 void IGraphicalNetworkViewer.refresh(IXholon xhNode)
          Refresh the physical display for this sub tree only, to reflect changed information, such as the current coloring of the icons when states change in a state machine.
 void IChartViewer.initialize(IXholon chartRoot, int nameConcatLevels)
          Initialize the chart viewer.
 boolean ICellontro2Sbml.initialize(java.lang.String sbmlFileName, java.lang.String modelName, IXholon root)
 void HistogramViewerJFreeChart.initialize(IXholon histRootModel, IXholon histRootView, IXholonClass xhClass, int numBins, int nameConcatLevels)
 void HistogramViewerGnuplot.initialize(IXholon histRootModel, IXholon histRootView, IXholonClass xhClass, int numBins, int nameConcatLevels)
          This method may not be useful for the Gnuplot concrete class.
 void HistogramViewerGnuplot.initialize(IXholon histRootModel, IXholon histRootView, IXholonClass xhClass, int numBins, int nameConcatLevels, java.lang.String pathName, java.lang.String typeOfData, int writeType)
          Initialize the histogram viewer.
 void GridPanel.initGridPanel(IXholon gridOwner)
 java.awt.Color GridPanel.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanel.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
 void ChartViewerJFreeChart.initialize(IXholon chartRoot, int nameConcatLevels)
          Initialize the chart viewer.
 void ChartViewerGnuplot.initialize(IXholon chartRoot, int nameConcatLevels)
 void AbstractNetworkViewerJung.createGraph(IXholon xhRoot, java.lang.String title, boolean showNodeLabels)
 void AbstractNetworkViewerJung.refresh(IXholon xhNode)

Constructors in with parameters of type IXholon
Xholon2Smc(java.lang.String smcFileName, java.lang.String modelName, IXholon root)
Xholon2Scxml(java.lang.String scxmlFileName, java.lang.String modelName, IXholon root)
Xholon2Qep(java.lang.String qepFileName, java.lang.String modelName, IXholon root)
HistogramViewerJFreeChart(IXholon histRootModel, IXholon histRootView, IXholonClass xhClass, int numBins, int nameConcatLevels)
HistogramViewerGnuplot(IXholon histRootModel, IXholon histRootView, IXholonClass xhClass, int numBins, int nameConcatLevels, java.lang.String pathName, java.lang.String typeOfData, int writeType)
GridPanel(IXholon gridOwner)
ChartViewerJFreeChart(IXholon chartRoot, int nameConcatLevels)
ChartViewerGnuplot(IXholon chartRoot, int nameConcatLevels, java.lang.String pathName, java.lang.String typeOfData, int writeType)

Uses of IXholon in

Methods in with parameters of type IXholon
 void IVrmlWriter.writeAsVrml(IXholon xhNode)
          Write VRML .wrl file
 void AbstractVrmlWriter.writeAsVrml(IXholon xhNode)

Uses of IXholon in org.primordion.xholon.samples

Classes in org.primordion.xholon.samples that implement IXholon
 class App09SpatialGames
          This is the detailed behavior of a sample Xholon application.
 class App1dSimple
          1D Cellular Automaton.
 class AppCollisions
 class AppCombo
          Combo Grid.
 class AppGameOfLife
          Conway's classic Game of Life.
 class AppGeneric
          A generic Xholon application, used for test purposes.
 class AppHex
          Hexagonal Grid.
 class AppPingPong
          Ping Pong.
 class AppTestFsmKW
          Test FSM.
 class AppTestFsmOrthog
          Test FSM.
 class AppTestFsmOrthogKW
          Test FSM.
 class Xh09SpatialGames
          This is the detailed behavior of a sample Xholon application.
 class Xh1dSimple
          1D Cellular Automaton.
 class XhCollisions
 class XhCombo
          Combo Grid.
 class XhGameOfLife
          Conway's classic Game of Life.
 class XhGeneric
          Used for test purposes.
 class XhHex
          Hexagonal Grid.
 class XhPingPong
          Ping Pong.
 class XhTestFsmKW
          Test FSM.
 class XhTestFsmOrthog
          Test FSM.
 class XhTestFsmOrthogKW
          Test FSM.

Methods in org.primordion.xholon.samples with parameters of type IXholon
 java.awt.Color GridPanelHex.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelGameOfLife.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelCombo.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanel1dSimple.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanel09SpatialGames.getColor(IXholon xhNode)

Constructors in org.primordion.xholon.samples with parameters of type IXholon
GridPanelHex(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelGameOfLife(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelCombo(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanel1dSimple(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanel09SpatialGames(IXholon gridOwner)

Uses of IXholon in org.primordion.xholon.tutorials

Classes in org.primordion.xholon.tutorials that implement IXholon
 class AppHelloWorld
          Hello World.
 class AppHelloWorld_NoXml
          Hello World.
 class AppHelloWorld_TestTime
          Test XholonTime using Hello World.
 class AppHelloWorld_Vrml
          Hello World with VRML.
 class XhHelloWorld
          Hello World.
 class XhHelloWorld_NoXml
          Hello World.
 class XhHelloWorld_str
          Hello World.
 class XhHelloWorld_TestTime
          Hello World.

Uses of IXholon in org.primordion.xholon.tutorials.rcs

Classes in org.primordion.xholon.tutorials.rcs that implement IXholon
 class AppRcs1
          Regulated Catalyzing System - Glycogen Phosphorylase (GP) - Symbolic.
 class AppRcs2
          Regulated Catalyzing System, version 2.
 class XhRcs1
          Regulated Catalyzing System - Glycogen Phosphorylase (GP) - Symbolic.
 class XhRcs2
          Regulated Catalyzing System - Glycogen Phosphorylase (GP) - Molecular Machine (MM).
 class XhRcsTemp
          Regulated Catalyzing System Glycogen - Phosphorylase system.

Uses of IXholon in org.primordion.xholon.tutorials.StupidModel

Classes in org.primordion.xholon.tutorials.StupidModel that implement IXholon
 class AppStupidModel1
          StupidModel1 application - Xholon Java
 class AppStupidModel10
          StupidModel10 application - Xholon Java
 class AppStupidModel11
          StupidModel11 application - Xholon Java
 class AppStupidModel12
          StupidModel12 application - Xholon Java
 class AppStupidModel13
          StupidModel13 application - Xholon Java
 class AppStupidModel14
          StupidModel14 application - Xholon Java
 class AppStupidModel15
          StupidModel15 application - Xholon Java
 class AppStupidModel16
          StupidModel16 application - Xholon Java
 class AppStupidModel16nl
          StupidModel16nl application - Xholon Java
 class AppStupidModel2
          StupidModel2 application - Xholon Java
 class AppStupidModel3
          StupidModel3 application - Xholon Java
 class AppStupidModel4
          StupidModel4 application - Xholon Java
 class AppStupidModel5
          StupidModel5 application - Xholon Java
 class AppStupidModel5tg
          StupidModel5tg application - Xholon Java
 class AppStupidModel6
          StupidModel6 application - Xholon Java
 class AppStupidModel7
          StupidModel7 application - Xholon Java
 class AppStupidModel8
          StupidModel8 application - Xholon Java
 class AppStupidModel9
          StupidModel9 application - Xholon Java
 class BugStupidModel1
          StupidModel1 application - Xholon Java
 class BugStupidModel10
          StupidModel10 application - Xholon Java
 class BugStupidModel11
          StupidModel11 application - Xholon Java
 class BugStupidModel12
          StupidModel12 application - Xholon Java
 class BugStupidModel13
          StupidModel13 application - Xholon Java
 class BugStupidModel14
          StupidModel14 application - Xholon Java
 class BugStupidModel15
          StupidModel15 application - Xholon Java
 class BugStupidModel16
          StupidModel16 application - Xholon Java
 class BugStupidModel16nl
          StupidModel16nl application - Xholon Java
 class BugStupidModel2
          StupidModel2 application - Xholon Java
 class BugStupidModel3
          StupidModel3 application - Xholon Java
 class BugStupidModel4
          StupidModel4 application - Xholon Java
 class BugStupidModel5
          StupidModel5 application - Xholon Java
 class BugStupidModel5tg
          StupidModel5tg application - Xholon Java
 class BugStupidModel6
          StupidModel6 application - Xholon Java
 class BugStupidModel7
          StupidModel7 application - Xholon Java
 class BugStupidModel8
          StupidModel8 application - Xholon Java
 class BugStupidModel9
          StupidModel9 application - Xholon Java
 class HabitatCellStupidModel10
          StupidModel10 application - Xholon Java
 class HabitatCellStupidModel11
          StupidModel11 application - Xholon Java
 class HabitatCellStupidModel12
          StupidModel12 application - Xholon Java
 class HabitatCellStupidModel13
          StupidModel13 application - Xholon Java
 class HabitatCellStupidModel14
          StupidModel14 application - Xholon Java
 class HabitatCellStupidModel15
          StupidModel15 application - Xholon Java
 class HabitatCellStupidModel16
          StupidModel16 application - Xholon Java
 class HabitatCellStupidModel16nl
          StupidModel16nl application - Xholon Java
 class HabitatCellStupidModel3
          StupidModel3 application - Xholon Java
 class HabitatCellStupidModel4
          StupidModel4 application - Xholon Java
 class HabitatCellStupidModel5
          StupidModel5 application - Xholon Java
 class HabitatCellStupidModel5tg
          StupidModel5tg application - Xholon Java
 class HabitatCellStupidModel6
          StupidModel6 application - Xholon Java
 class HabitatCellStupidModel7
          StupidModel7 application - Xholon Java
 class HabitatCellStupidModel8
          StupidModel8 application - Xholon Java
 class HabitatCellStupidModel9
          StupidModel9 application - Xholon Java
 class QueueStupidModel10
          StupidModel10 queue - Xholon Java
 class QueueStupidModel11
          StupidModel11 queue - Xholon Java
 class QueueStupidModel12
          StupidModel12 queue - Xholon Java
 class QueueStupidModel13
          StupidModel13 queue - Xholon Java
 class QueueStupidModel14
          StupidModel14 queue - Xholon Java
 class QueueStupidModel15
          StupidModel15 queue - Xholon Java
 class QueueStupidModel16
          StupidModel16 queue - Xholon Java
 class QueueStupidModel16nl
          StupidModel16nl queue - Xholon Java
 class QueueStupidModel9
          StupidModel9 queue - Xholon Java
 class XhStupidModel1
          StupidModel1 application - Xholon Java
 class XhStupidModel10
          StupidModel10 application - Xholon Java
 class XhStupidModel11
          StupidModel11 application - Xholon Java
 class XhStupidModel12
          StupidModel12 application - Xholon Java
 class XhStupidModel13
          StupidModel13 application - Xholon Java
 class XhStupidModel14
          StupidModel14 application - Xholon Java
 class XhStupidModel15
          StupidModel15 application - Xholon Java
 class XhStupidModel16
          StupidModel16 application - Xholon Java
 class XhStupidModel16nl
          StupidModel16nl application - Xholon Java
 class XhStupidModel2
          StupidModel2 application - Xholon Java
 class XhStupidModel3
          StupidModel3 application - Xholon Java
 class XhStupidModel4
          StupidModel4 application - Xholon Java
 class XhStupidModel5
          StupidModel5 application - Xholon Java
 class XhStupidModel5tg
          StupidModel5tg application - Xholon Java
 class XhStupidModel6
          StupidModel6 application - Xholon Java
 class XhStupidModel7
          StupidModel7 application - Xholon Java
 class XhStupidModel8
          StupidModel8 application - Xholon Java
 class XhStupidModel9
          StupidModel9 application - Xholon Java

Methods in org.primordion.xholon.tutorials.StupidModel with parameters of type IXholon
 void QueueStupidModel16nl.sendMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender)
          Put the sending bug into the queue to schedule it next time step.
 void QueueStupidModel16.sendMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender)
          Put the sending bug into the queue to schedule it next time step.
 void QueueStupidModel15.sendMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender)
          Put the sending bug into the queue to schedule it next time step.
 void QueueStupidModel14.sendMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender)
          Put the sending bug into the queue to schedule it next time step.
 void QueueStupidModel13.sendMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender)
          Put the sending bug into the queue to schedule it next time step.
 void QueueStupidModel12.sendMessage(int signal, java.lang.Object data, IXholon sender)
          Put the sending bug into the queue to schedule it next time step.
 java.awt.Color GridPanelStupidModel9.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanelStupidModel9.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelStupidModel8.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanelStupidModel8.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelStupidModel7.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanelStupidModel7.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelStupidModel6.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanelStupidModel6.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelStupidModel5tg.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanelStupidModel5tg.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelStupidModel5.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanelStupidModel5.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelStupidModel4.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanelStupidModel4.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelStupidModel3.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanelStupidModel3.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelStupidModel2.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanelStupidModel2.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelStupidModel16nl.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanelStupidModel16nl.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelStupidModel16.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanelStupidModel16.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelStupidModel15.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanelStupidModel15.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelStupidModel14.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanelStupidModel14.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelStupidModel13.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanelStupidModel13.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelStupidModel12.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanelStupidModel12.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelStupidModel11.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanelStupidModel11.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelStupidModel10.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanelStupidModel10.getShape(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelStupidModel1.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 int GridPanelStupidModel1.getShape(IXholon xhNode)

Constructors in org.primordion.xholon.tutorials.StupidModel with parameters of type IXholon
GridPanelStupidModel9(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelStupidModel8(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelStupidModel7(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelStupidModel6(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelStupidModel5tg(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelStupidModel5(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelStupidModel4(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelStupidModel3(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelStupidModel2(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelStupidModel16nl(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelStupidModel16(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelStupidModel15(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelStupidModel14(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelStupidModel13(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelStupidModel12(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelStupidModel11(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelStupidModel10(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelStupidModel1(IXholon gridOwner)

Uses of IXholon in org.primordion.xholon.xmiapps

Classes in org.primordion.xholon.xmiapps that implement IXholon
 class App__XholonTemplate__
          __XholonTemplate__ application - Xholon Java
 class AppElevator
          Elevator application - Xholon Java
 class AppElevator_ShowStates
          Elevator application - Xholon Java
 class AppFsm06ex1_Fsm
          Fsm06ex1_Fsm application - Xholon Java
 class AppHelloWorldTutorial_multiWorld
          HelloWorldTutorial_multiWorld application - Xholon Java
 class AppHelloWorldTutorial_plus
          HelloWorldTutorial_plus application - Xholon Java
 class AppHelloWorldTutorial_universe
          HelloWorldTutorial_universe application - Xholon Java
 class AppProvidedRequiredTest
          ProvidedRequiredTest application - Xholon Java
 class AppRcs_GP_FSM
          Rcs_GP_FSM application - Xholon Java
 class AppRcs_GP_FSM_Grid
          Rcs_GP_FSM_Grid application - Xholon Java
 class AppRcs_GP_MM
          Rcs_GP_MM application - Xholon Java
 class AppRcs_GP_MM_NoSymbols
          Rcs_GP_MM_NoSymbols application - Xholon Java
 class AppStopWatch
          StopWatch application - Xholon Java
 class AppStopWatch_Xhym
          StopWatch application - Xholon Java
 class AppTestFsm
          TestFsm application - Xholon Java
 class AppTestFsmForkJoin
          TestFsmForkJoin application - Xholon Java
 class AppTestFsmHistory
          TestFsmHistory application - Xholon Java
 class AppTestFsmJunction
          TestFsmJunction application - Xholon Java
 class AppTestFsmOrthogonal
          TestFsmOrthogonal application - Xholon Java
 class AppWatch
          Watch application - Inheritance Hierarchy
 class Xh__XholonTemplate__
          __XholonTemplate__ application - Xholon Java
 class XhElevator
          Elevator application - Xholon Java
 class XhFsm06ex1_Fsm
          Fsm06ex1_Fsm application - Xholon Java
 class XhHelloWorldTutorial_multiWorld
          HelloWorldTutorial_multiWorld application - Xholon Java
 class XhHelloWorldTutorial_plus
          HelloWorldTutorial_plus application - Xholon Java
 class XhHelloWorldTutorial_universe
          HelloWorldTutorial_universe application - Xholon Java
 class XhProvidedRequiredTest
          ProvidedRequiredTest application - Xholon Java
 class XhRcs_GP_FSM
          Rcs_GP_FSM application - Xholon Java
 class XhRcs_GP_FSM_Grid
          Rcs_GP_FSM_Grid application - Xholon Java
 class XhRcs_GP_MM
          Rcs_GP_MM application - Xholon Java
 class XhRcs_GP_MM_NoSymbols
          Rcs_GP_MM_NoSymbols application - Xholon Java
 class XhStopWatch
          StopWatch application - Xholon Java
 class XhStopWatch_Xhym
          StopWatch application - Xholon Java
 class XhTestFsm
          TestFsm application - Xholon Java
 class XhTestFsmForkJoin
          TestFsmForkJoin application - Xholon Java
 class XhTestFsmHistory
          TestFsmHistory application - Xholon Java
 class XhTestFsmJunction
          TestFsmJunction application - Xholon Java
 class XhTestFsmOrthogonal
          TestFsmOrthogonal application - Xholon Java
 class XhWatch
          Watch application - Xh Java class

Methods in org.primordion.xholon.xmiapps with parameters of type IXholon
 java.awt.Color GridPanel__XholonTemplate__.getColor(IXholon xhNode)
 java.awt.Color GridPanelRcs_GP_FSM_Grid.getColor(IXholon xhNode)

Constructors in org.primordion.xholon.xmiapps with parameters of type IXholon
GridPanel__XholonTemplate__(IXholon gridOwner)
GridPanelRcs_GP_FSM_Grid(IXholon gridOwner)

Uses of IXholon in org.primordion.xholon.xmiappsArgoUML

Classes in org.primordion.xholon.xmiappsArgoUML that implement IXholon
 class AppHelloWorldTutorial
          HelloWorldTutorial application - Inheritance Hierarchy
 class XhHelloWorldTutorial
          HelloWorldTutorial application - Xh Java class

Uses of IXholon in org.primordion.xholon.xmiappsTc

Classes in org.primordion.xholon.xmiappsTc that implement IXholon
 class AppStateMachineOnly
          StateMachineOnly application - Xholon Java
 class XhStateMachineOnly
          StateMachineOnly application - Xholon Java

Uses of IXholon in org.primordion.xholon.xmiappsTcSysML

Classes in org.primordion.xholon.xmiappsTcSysML that implement IXholon
 class AppHelloWorldTutorialSysML
          HelloWorldTutorialSysML application - Xholon Java
 class XhHelloWorldTutorialSysML
          HelloWorldTutorialSysML application - Xholon Java